Coping with loss
Coping with loss and the grief from the passing of a loved one can be a daunting, painful and difficult time in anyone’s life. Whether you’re looking to support a family member or friend, or if you need help for yourself, you’ll find some very useful information from My Grief Assist.

My Grief Assist is an online resource that provides further helpful information on grief and loss.
Grief is a very natural and normal reaction which we go through whenever our lives are changed and affected by loss or death. Yet something so natural as grief is often not well understood in our society. This means people’s needs are often misunderstood leaving them feeling anxious, hurt and alone.
The My Grief Assist website aims to offer you practical, contemporary information in the form of easy to read factsheets, book lists, videos and links to support services.
Here are also some useful support group details;
- SIDS and Kids Telephone – 9474 3544 (24 hours) Infant Loss Support 1800 686 780 Country 1800 199 466.
- Compassionate Friends Telephone – 9486 8711 Country 1800 628 118. Offering Support and information to those who have lost a child (any age) or grandchild to death. Also offering some sibling groups.
- Association of Civilian Widows Telephone – Contact Betty Rudd – 9322 6695.
- Cancer Foundation of W.A. Telephone – 9212 4333 Freecall 1800 199 222 (Country Callers Only)
Information Service – 13 11 20. - Cancer Foundation Help Line Telephone – 13 11 20 8am – 8pm Mon- Fri, 9am – 3pm Sat. Offers free telephone support. Face to face counselling available by appointment for which a fee is payable.
- Cancer Support Association Telephone – 9384 3544.
- Silver Chain Support Services Telephone – 9242 0233 8am – 4pm Mon – Fri. Offers free telephone support. Face to face counselling available by appointment for which a fee is payable.
- Hepatitis WA Inc 187 Beaufort St Northbridge Telephone – 9328 8538 Freecall – 1800 800 070.
- Victim Support & Child Protection Services Telephone – 9425 2850 Freecall – 1800 818 988. A government organisation assisting victims of crime.
- Palmerston Parent Bereavement Support Telephone – 9328 7355 8.30am – 9pm Mon – Fri. A structural 12-week programme for parents who have lost children of any age in a drug related incident.
- Hospital Social Work Department Can be contacted for support and advice. Most operate an after hours emergency service. They will also provide counselling or referral in the case of diagnosis of a terminal illness.